It’s the end of year 2010. It’s time for review. It’s another new year after tonight.
People go out for celebration...but I just sit back and flash back a little memory... Also to make some new year wishes.
The greatest lesson I’ve learned is still about the changing LIFE.
People say: If you failed to plan, you are planning to fail.
But do you know... plan is always cannot be able to keep up with changes.
Life is always unexpected.
He’s gone before I could speak my last word to him. Life’s changed a lot after his leaving. I’m not really sure whether it is a burden or a relief, but I’m sure there’s a reason why life goes like that. Life comes and goes, with a reason. So, just let it go. And we are now having a new life.
Life was a series of up and down.
I’m lucky to have chances to try new things during my studies. I’m thankful for the failure I did all this year. I'm thankful to be ordinary.
I’m thankful for the opportunity to travel to places I never been to. Although I failed to make some plans to become real... alright! I’m okay with it. Just keep it for the next time.
People come and go. Relationship is so sincere, but so fragile too.
I’m thankful for my friends who stick by me and still being there to comfort me. I’m grateful for it, grateful for all the laughter and the memorable moments.
I’m thankful for people who stay away from me. You may leave if you don’t feel comfortable around me. I can’t really fit in to such a group I’m not comfortable with too. I know it’s my problem. I think it’s better for me to stay in a smaller community.
I’m okay with being single, still. I’m selfish, still selfish, to share my love and spare my time for another man. I love to be free and I’m still learning to love. I guess this is not the right timing to start a relationship. Somehow we can never know and predict how things can happen, right? But if you know any good single man, don’t hesitate to tell me and let’s make friends. Hahaha =P
Lastly, I would like to apologize for any misunderstanding and mistake I had made.
*My wishes*
I hope everything will be peace, life peace, my mind peace too.
I hope campus life will be more interesting and smoother.
I hope I can go further to faraway lands to see new scenes and experience new things.
I hope relationships will no longer confuse me.
That’s all.