31 December 2010

Happy New Year 2000 + 11

Short notes: this is not a fun post...may sound a little bit..uhm...serious. yeah, no play play.

It’s the end of year 2010. It’s time for review. It’s another new year after tonight.

People go out for celebration...but I just sit back and flash back a little memory... Also to make some new year wishes.

The greatest lesson I’ve learned is still about the changing LIFE.

People say: If you failed to plan, you are planning to fail.
But do you know... plan is always cannot be able to keep up with changes.

Life is always unexpected.

He’s gone before I could speak my last word to him. Life’s changed a lot after his leaving. I’m not really sure whether it is a burden or a relief, but I’m sure there’s a reason why life goes like that. Life comes and goes, with a reason. So, just let it go. And we are now having a new life.

Life was a series of up and down.

I’m lucky to have chances to try new things during my studies. I’m thankful for the failure I did all this year. I'm thankful to be ordinary.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to travel to places I never been to. Although I failed to make some plans to become real... alright! I’m okay with it. Just keep it for the next time.

People come and go. Relationship is so sincere, but so fragile too.

I’m thankful for my friends who stick by me and still being there to comfort me. I’m grateful for it, grateful for all the laughter and the memorable moments.

I’m thankful for people who stay away from me. You may leave if you don’t feel comfortable around me. I can’t really fit in to such a group I’m not comfortable with too. I know it’s my problem. I think it’s better for me to stay in a smaller community.

I’m okay with being single, still. I’m selfish, still selfish, to share my love and spare my time for another man. I love to be free and I’m still learning to love. I guess this is not the right timing to start a relationship. Somehow we can never know and predict how things can happen, right? But if you know any good single man, don’t hesitate to tell me and let’s make friends. Hahaha =P

Lastly, I would like to apologize for any misunderstanding and mistake I had made.

*My wishes*

I hope everything will be fine...world peace, life peace, my mind peace too.
I hope campus life will be more interesting and smoother.
I hope I can go further to faraway lands to see new scenes and experience new things.
I hope relationships will no longer confuse me.

That’s all.

Happy New Year !!!

29 December 2010

Finally settling down...

I’m finally settling down in Kuala Lumpur. Erm, not exactly lar...it’s Bandar Sungai Long in Kajang...Officially moved and no longer staying in Teluk Intan.

The last picture of me in the house I stayed for 5 years

Not gonna tell more about the place I’m currently staying.

After days of unpacking and arranging all those furniture and things... finally I have my time to set up my own room. My room is too empty with only one single bed, one make up dresser, one small closet for all things and one small wardrobe for clothes. It makes my room looked big. I wonder, I have so few belongings one arr?! Haha..

I have some soft toys. But I didn’t buy them. All the soft toys with me are presents from friends and I got it from theme parks.

I don’t have the habit to sleep with and talk to soft toys like Teddy bears and others... except for the rabbit in my hostel room.

Does she look like Energizer Bunny, without sunglasses?

So I named her RABBITIZER. Haha! I forgot how I got her... (I tried to squeeze my brain to think, but still can’t remember). I use it as a cushion for me to lean my hand on it while I sleep, sometimes as pillow for a short nap, sometimes as model together with smiley-lemon.

Today I found him.

His name is Nici, as shown on his name tag.
He has very long arms and a big tummy.

One of my friends gave it to me as my birthday present years ago when I was still a TEENager! I was surprised that he came with a very big box and when I opened it, ahhh...MONKEY!!

For years I kept him together with the box in the cupboard and never open it. I always think that it means something if I use it before the ‘issue’ ends, so I just put it aside. I know you might say I am too sensitive and think too much. Okay, it’s my problem.

Now everything has come to an end. So, it means nothing anymore if I take it out and use as cushion for my head and hands. Haha!!

mmm..my eyelashes quite long and thick.
No need to do extension and wear fake eyelashes already lar! :)

Gonna stop here. It’s freaking cold and windy here at the ninth floor...have to sneak in my lovely warmly blanket and have a nice sleep. Good night!!

25 December 2010

Food @ Chicken Cordon Bleu is the BEST!!

I celebrated this year Christmas as usual, without a celebration. Christmas is just an extra public holiday for me. That’s all~

But this Christmas was a little bit different. It’s also the last day I stay in Teluk Intan. So, the feeling was very complicated. I don’t know how to describe it, and you will never know how complicated it is.

Ownself Saying : The tower is so beautiful tonight

Christmas is not the main topic of this post.  

I blog for food~ THIS IS A FOOD POST Hehe :P

On Christmas eve, what we do was packing, packing, packing...

In the night, I wanted to go to church to see performances from some of my friends but at last I didn’t.....my driver/boss ahwei don’t want to go :(

The rests don’t want to come out. Okay fine. Both of us were soooooo bored and don’t want to waste our night. So we went to Secret Recipe for dinner, as a farewell. Then Swee Seong and Zhi Jian came to join us.

I almost forgot there’s a Secret Recipe branch here. Friends of me not really like to come here but actually I prefer here as it’s not crowded and quiet, even though it costs higher.

ahwei's spaghetti bolognaise and espresso

Do you know what is the BEST food you can eat at Secret Recipe?
I mean main dish, not the cakes.


It is deep fried boneless chicken meat, rolled around ham,
and melted cheeeeeeeeseeeee!!

Oh Cheeses!
Awwwww...mouth watering!

Do you know what it is so delicious? Because it is the Cordon Bleu one!

What is Cordon Bleu?

Cordon Bleu is a French term. It means blue ribbon, and blue ribbon represents the highest class and an award given to chefs! So this must be the first class chicken dish!! That's why so delicious lorrr :)

Chicken Cordon Bleu is really mind-blowing.
You need to try it for yourself...with a cup of hot hot long black coffee! 

20 December 2010

Chin Swee Caves Temple @ Genting Highlands

On the way driving down from Genting Highlands, we went to this scenic place, The Chin Swee Caves Temple
I came here twice, and this place is still nice.
Those statues impressed me a lot....

The nine-color dragons welcome us~

The Pagoda. I didn’t visit the temple as I’m not really with it.

Sky Terrance (Tian-Tan) for leisure walk and the mountain view

 Large statues of Buddha and Kuan-Yin

Also with the statue of late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong.

Write your hopes and dreams on the wooden tag and hang onto the wishing rack at Fulin Pavillion. (Fu-Lin-Ge)

I like this!!

The statues of 8 xian “the Eight Deities”
Feel nice to be surrounded by them. Haha!

You must visit this
the Journey to Enlightenment
You can see the depiction of ten Chambers of Hell.

I’m terrified, after watching from the first chamber to the last chamber.

I don’t wanna be sent to helllll~
I don't wanna be a chicken or snail
I wanna be sent for rebirth as a human being again...

so I help to carry the peach! :) see we all are happy
There are also 18 Lohans, statues of Sun Mm Hong, his sifu and buddies

the Mother Goddess (Huang-mu-niang-niang) and Seven Fairies

and Fok-Lok-Sau..! wHee :)

The next time you go to Genting Highlands, come here to pray before you enter casino....hahaha!

I think...it can bless you to win a lot! $$$$

19 December 2010

Food @ in Anson!

Now here we go...with food!

I’m always excited when talk about food. I’m a food lover. I have many favourite foods...sushi, popia, laksa, rojak, mee rebus, roti canai, loh mai gai, chee cheong fun, loh-mee..........UHmmm, YUM YUM!! :P

There are different versions of all these foods from different states in the country. But my top pick will always be the food from the place I’ve grown up with, Teluk Intan aka TI.

I like Anson Cheecheongfun from LiewKee.

I like rojak from Rojak Ah Chai. I like the crunchy prawn cracker.

I like mee rebus with kuah rojak from Mastan Ghani.
I like the cucur udang to the max!

I like sauce mee from Lok Kee.

I like charkueyteow beside Toto.

I like laksa from Coliseum.

I like my favourite cooked Loh-Mee with vinegar!!! *love it love it*

ahahaha!! feel like eating? Just go lorrrr..:P

16 December 2010

Food @ Kampar for noodles

Went to Kampar last week...
purposely for beef noodles, which is Ngau-Lam-Min in Cantonese.

I never eat beef noodles before, as I can’t find any stall sells it in Teluk Intan.

The soup is very delicious, beef meatball very nice, beef is al dente!!~

eat with the noodles same as wantan mee

Just to tell you Kampar is also famous for its curry chicken bun (min-bao-gai) from Yau Kee.

Last time, father always bought this for us when he passed by Kampar.
But we ain’t really like it.

Also went wandering around Kampar town, TESCO and UTAR/KTAR, to kill some times.

Kampar...is...ermmm...kinda bored


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